The interesting thing about the typical Hookup matches is that a lot of guys believe it’s all about the woman. They think that you only need to hook up with the right woman and you’re good to go. Well, I’m sorry to break this to you. But if you want to get the best of any kind of Hookup matches you set up, you have to look past just the right woman. In fact, there are three major components. First take a look at this perfect big boobs babe who’s looking for dates and then check out the rest below.
Don’t get me wrong. Picking the right partner is very important. I would say that it’s 50% of the equation. However, 50% is simply not going to cut it. 50% is not enough to guarantee that both of you would have a good time.
You have to look at the rest of the picture. You have to look at the other 50%. Pay attention to the following factors.
The Right Woman
The right woman, of course, plays a major part on whether or not you’re going to have a good time. After all, she is going to be your sex partner. The right woman, of course, has to appeal to you, both physically and emotionally.
While you might get scared of the word “emotional”, don’t let me scare you. By “emotional”, I’m talking about her being in the same wavelength as you. She’s giving off the same vibes. You’re both on the same page, sexually speaking. That’s what I mean by “emotional”.
You don’t want somebody who’s a head case. You don’t want somebody who’s crazy. You definitely don’t want somebody who’ll look at you as some sort of future husband. You don’t want that. However, she has to have the right emotional framework for this to work.
The Right Place
Make no mistake about it. The ambiance of the place where you’re fucking will definitely impact your performance. Sure, you can pick any kind of cheap motel out there. But once you see a few roaches and rats here and there, that will definitely kill your sex drive. You probably will get soft, or you probably can’t make her cum as much as she wants. This will definitely get in the way of you being asked back for sex.
The Right Time
You have to remember that at certain times of the month, people are very busy. You have to time your sex action properly. Otherwise, your Hookupmatches will simply be too stressful. It’s too easy to dwell on things at work or at home, and that can get in the way of your performance.